All self respecting TWT's know a thing or two about diamonds (and the smart ones have made sure that their SO knows a thing or two about which diamond they want...if you know what I mean.) And although looking at diamonds online is about as satisfying as looking at picutres of chocolate and cheese, there's nothing more entertaining than the idea of buying a diamond online and having it show up at your door a few days later. I happen to know that all of us hopeful TWT's have spent guilt filled hours on Blue Nile; the equalivent to video games for SO's. What could be more fun than picking and choosing the shape, size, color, cut, quality, and setting of your fantasty engagement ring? Well I think I have found something even more entertaining...even more sinful...and it's called Langerman Diamonds. Instead of the run-of-the-mill machine cut diamonds, you can play with rough, polished, and colored gems ranging in price from $150 to 2 million dollars. There are hundreds or shapes and sizes to choose from (and you can even choose what region you would like your diamond from...) and since it's family owned, the descriptions are helpful and insightful. You can purchase the diamonds on their own, or even custom create a piece of jewlery for the gem of your choice. Can you say TWT in a candy shop???? Run TWT's....DONT WALK!!